Is everything in your way or ur just too stubborn to move?
That's the nagging question for the day.
Whining get's you no You get the wrong kind of attention if you do so. Most successful people don't whine, ...they try again. If you think that everything is just getting in your way or stopping you from what you want to achieve, then move! Don't stay there. The more you don't move, the worse you will think about your present situation. The earlier you start to work on a solution, the better. It keeps your mind out of the failure and it puts you back on track. This though is not for the weak hearted.
If everyone can do it, we'd all be rich by now.
Think about the other possibilities, ask for advise, don't hesitate to ask someone who knows better. That's how humans got to the top of the food chain ... by standing on the heads of giants. We learn from the success and mistakes of our predecessors and ultimately we figure out the things they never did.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical telephone. Never could have he imagined that you could send text messages now. If he was to come back from the dead, he would not recognize his own invention. Thanks to the improvements done by his successors.
So always find a way to make things work, ask, go around the problem, look at it at from a distance, from another angle or look at it from someone elses point of view. There are a lot of things we can do when we think that the whole world is just playing mean to us.
...Just move. It all starts when you move.
That's the nagging question for the day.
Have you ever felt that every thing is just not working as you planed it to be?
Have you ever felt so bad about it that you spent all your time whining afterward?
If this is you, well you belong to 85 percent of the world's population!
Have you ever felt so bad about it that you spent all your time whining afterward?
If this is you, well you belong to 85 percent of the world's population!
Whining get's you no You get the wrong kind of attention if you do so. Most successful people don't whine, ...they try again. If you think that everything is just getting in your way or stopping you from what you want to achieve, then move! Don't stay there. The more you don't move, the worse you will think about your present situation. The earlier you start to work on a solution, the better. It keeps your mind out of the failure and it puts you back on track. This though is not for the weak hearted.
If everyone can do it, we'd all be rich by now.
Think about the other possibilities, ask for advise, don't hesitate to ask someone who knows better. That's how humans got to the top of the food chain ... by standing on the heads of giants. We learn from the success and mistakes of our predecessors and ultimately we figure out the things they never did.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical telephone. Never could have he imagined that you could send text messages now. If he was to come back from the dead, he would not recognize his own invention. Thanks to the improvements done by his successors.
So always find a way to make things work, ask, go around the problem, look at it at from a distance, from another angle or look at it from someone elses point of view. There are a lot of things we can do when we think that the whole world is just playing mean to us.
...Just move. It all starts when you move.
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