Monday, May 11, 2009

Failure is nothing.

If you feel like giving up, keep in mind that we can still prevail if we just keep on trying. Failure is always an option. It makes us see areas of opportunity, it becomes our chance to exploit what we don't yet have and develop it into something where we can excel.

I got he video above from Youtube. This 1 minute long video explains just how life plays out, and what we can do to rise up from adversity. Everyone could relate to this..

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Is everything in your way?

Is everything in your way or ur just too stubborn to move?

That's the nagging question for the day.

Have you ever felt that every thing is just not working as you planed it to be?

Have you ever felt so bad about it that you spent all your time whining afterward?

If this is you, well you belong to 85 percent of the world's population!

Whining get's you no You get the wrong kind of attention if you do so. Most successful people don't whine, ...they try again. If you think that everything is just getting in your way or stopping you from what you want to achieve, then move! Don't stay there. The more you don't move, the worse you will think about your present situation. The earlier you start to work on a solution, the better. It keeps your mind out of the failure and it puts you back on track. This though is not for the weak hearted.

If everyone can do it, we'd all be rich by now.

Think about the other possibilities, ask for advise, don't hesitate to ask someone who knows better. That's how humans got to the top of the food chain ... by standing on the heads of giants. We learn from the success and mistakes of our predecessors and ultimately we figure out the things they never did.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical telephone. Never could have he imagined that you could send text messages now. If he was to come back from the dead, he would not recognize his own invention. Thanks to the improvements done by his successors.

So always find a way to make things work, ask, go around the problem, look at it at from a distance, from another angle or look at it from someone elses point of view. There are a lot of things we can do when we think that the whole world is just playing mean to us.

...Just move. It all starts when you move.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Reaching your Goal ...

Just recently, I went to a seminar regarding goal setting and how to systematically reach your aspirations. For a person like me who is used to trial and error most of my life. Almost everything was new to me and it was very educational and eye opening. The system was presented in a manner in which all simple presentations are done. It was presented in a linear fashion, in which the whole seminar is dependent on the Power Point presentation and your mind just want to yell out..Fast forward!. It was interesting at best, but I wasn't there to criticize the presentation. I was there to learn and make sense of what they were trying to impart. After all, I know I will benefit from it.

I will go into details of what I learned during that day, but I’m going to do it one blog entry at a time so that I could focus on just one topic on every post. I think that’s the best way anyone can absorb anything effectively.

By the way, I attended two seminars of different topics. This is all about the first one. This one made me realize what I wasn't doing, and the one’s that I was doing wrong.
Of all the things that you can do to make your dreams into reality, there is always and I mean always one very essential thing that you must do to start things rolling. Without this, there is no anchor that you could hang on to when you get lost in the cloud of doubt that surrounds your goals.

You have to write it down.

Yup, you have to put your goals into writing. Putting it in black and white clearly states your purpose and it prevents you from loosing your focus. After all, without focus, you would be chasing your own tail every time. This also helps in giving you an idea of how much progress you gained towards achieving what you want to attain.

To start, get a piece of paper and write down 3 goals: Immediate, short term and long term. Obviously this represents what you want to accomplish at a certain point in time. Immediate could be a span of a few days to a few months. Intermediate is around one to two years, and long term is longer that 2 years of course. This gives you a way of tracking your progress and this also helps you maintain focus during you busy schedule. Post this somewhere that you would see it when you start and end your day.

Why it works: This gradually changes our attitude about the situation we are in. If you know what you want, eventually you would figure out what to do. You develop a way of making things work regardless of the circumstance. And in life, as we all know, it's our attitude about something that makes us like or hate it. Same as if we are to fail or succeed.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Ok, so it took a while since I posted another after the first blog entry. Sorry, the moment was just not there. It's hard to write something if you're not inspired or you have thoughts in your mind that you just can't put into words. Right now, I think I am in the best mood. My head is clear, my lips hide a little smile every time I remember a little something I did back a few days ago. One that I enjoyed a lot. I traveled. :) I don't travel that much, but when I do, I make it much interesting, I go alone and try to get myself lost hehe. It doesn't matter if it is just Bulacan, as long as I get scared out of my wits because I have no idea of where I am. It keeps me on my toes and it makes me use my brain. Something that I don't use very often.